Comodo PositiveSSL Certificate - our secure connections are certified with a Comodo PositiveSSL certificate, which has a 10,000$ insurance against fraud/man-in-the-middle attacks.Jekyll - Jekyll is the static-site generation software we use to update the site.The following software, scripts, and etc are used: The server runs CentOS 64-bit with the Apache webserver. Highland Arrow is powered by and in turn uses a variety of software to make it run. Site-Operations-Related Disclosures Site Software Used

As such, we have created this page to serve as a central repository of information we feel it is appropriate to disclose to our readers, along with specific notices on specific pages. It's in the best interests of a reputable organisation to fully disclose things that may influence the opinions of its critical content, but not all of it is "specific" to a game or such.