
Eudora welty photos
Eudora welty photos

eudora welty photos

Her collegiate years were spent first at the Mississippi State College for Women in Columbus and then at the University of Wisconsin, where she received her bachelor’s degree. She attended Davis Elementary School when Miss Lorena Duling was principal and graduated from Jackson’s Central High School in 1925. Nourished by such a background, Welty became perhaps the most distinguished graduate of the Jackson Public School system. With her brothers, Edward Jefferson Welty and Walter Andrews Welty, she shared bonds of devotion, camaraderie, and humor. From her father she inherited a “love for all instruments that instruct and fascinate,” from her mother a passion for reading and for language. Born in 1909 in Jackson, Mississippi, the daughter of Christian Webb Welty and Chestina Andrews Welty, Eudora Welty grew up in a close-knit and loving family.

Eudora welty photos